It's as easy as calling in to see us when we are playing on the lawns, and your first four visits are free.

If you are interested in playing, there are many willing members ready to coach you for no cost.

Get Started

To get you started, the club has mallets you are welcome to borrow until you are comfortable with the game. The club provides all other equipment.

Flat soled shoes are essential (no jandals) and casual sport clothes can be  worn to play.

An annual subscription is set (details on the club noticeboard) and a small lawn fee is payable each time you play. The subscription allows you to play at any croquet club in New Zealand as a visitor.

Members receive ongoing coaching at no cost.

When can I play?

Club days are Wednesday and Saturday mornings arriving at around 9:00am for play to start at 9:30am.

Doubtless Bay Croquet Club
All rights reserved 2020
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